Thursday, June 2, 2011

1) Problem: Design a Bicycle storage system that allows a student to keep their bike indoors without taking up major space in their living areas.

2) Solutions:

  • Don't ride a bike

  • Hook

  • Mechanical wall ride

3) Criteria: Bike Storage, Easy to Assemble

Constraints: No permanent damage





Monday, May 2, 2011

Deep Dive

1. “From the buildings in which we live and work, to the cars we drive, or the knives and forks with which we eat, everything we use was designed to create some sort of marriage between ____form_____________ and ____function_____________.”

2. The folks at IDEO state that they are not experts in any given area. But, they do claim to be experts on the _________process of how you design things ___________, which they apply to the innovation of consumer products.

3. After the team of designers is brought together, told the problem, and informed they have five days to “pull it off,” what phase of the design process do they immediately engage in?

Brain storm and good ideas

4. Give two examples of what the team members did during this phase.

a. Team work

b. Brainstorm

5. List five rules-of-thumb that IDEO employees follow when they share ideas during the brainstorming phase:

a. One conversation at a time

b. defer judgment

c. No criticism

d. Building on others ideas

e. Stay on topic

6. Why should wild (and sometimes crazy) ideas be entertained during the brainstorming phase?

because they could come up with that one great idea or they could build on other team members ideas

7. After the brainstorming phase was over, the team narrowed down the hundreds of ideas by ___voting__________ for those ideas that were not only “cool” but also _____build able____________ in a short period of time. What phase of the design process is this called?

Enlighten Trial and Error

8. IDEO believes that the ideas and efforts of a ____Team__________ will always be more successful than the planning of a lone genius.

9. Once the ideas were narrowed down and divided into categories, the group was split into four smaller teams. What phase(s) of the design process was each of these groups responsible for?

Check out
Finding stuff you need

10. The leaders at IDEO believe that ______Playful______ behavior and a _Fun environment are two important reasons why their employees are able to think quickly and creatively to produce innovative results.

11. Sometimes, people come up with great solutions that work by trying their ideas first, and asking for _____Opinion____________ later.

12. Design is often a process of going too far and having to take a few steps back. What phase of the design process would the critique of the four mock-ups come under?

refinding and communicating there results
13. Upon critique of the four teams’ models, it was obvious that none of the teams had developed an optimum solution. However, the people at IDEO believe that it is important to fail often in order to _____succeed________ sooner.

14. What percentage of the entire week’s time did it take to fabricate the final prototype?
20% one day

15. Instead of showering his design team with a tremendous amount of praise, what did the boss require his employees to do with their new design?

Improve on there design

16. Of all the things that we are surrounded by every day, what has not been placed through the design process?

Human Body

1. What did you find to be the most impressive part of the team’s effort?

There commitment to the team
there commitment to the project
there overall final product

2. What advantages are there to having a design team with members that have non-engineering backgrounds?

Crazier ideas
better enviorment

3. There was a point in the process where a self-appointed group of adults stepped up, stopped the ideas, and redirected the group to break up into teams. Why was this done?

to set the team back on course if they hadn't the team wouldn't meet the deadline or they would have rushed the project and done something wrong

4. At the end of the video, Dave Kelly states, “Look around. The only things that are not designed are the things we find in nature.” Can you think of anything that would contradict this statement?

plant fertilizer

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

1) Whats the challenge?

  • The challenge was to build a glider that would fly for a long distance and have a good hangtime.

Rules of Brainstorming:

  • To come up with as many ideas as you can.


  • Build with Balsa wood and tissue paper.

  • Limited amounts of it.

  • 2 day time limit

The goals for our glider was to fly itt fort a long distance and have a decent hang time.

Our glider performed better than we thought it would. I would change the way we made it next time and make it lighter.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Egg Drop Challenge

Total # of achievements earned: 17

-Your materials fit inside a printer paper box.

-Your materials fit inside a shoe box.

-Your materials fit inside a cigar box.

-Your materials fit inside an Altoids box.

We used 3 balloons, 3 marbles, and a string.

-Your materials weigh less than 500 grams.

-Your materials weigh less than 300 grams.

-Your materials weigh less than 200 grams.

-Your materials weigh less than 150 grams.

-Your materials weigh less than 100 grams.

-Your materials weigh less than 50 grams.

We weighed in at 106 grams with the egg.

-You hit the butcher paper!

-You hit inside the third ring!

-You hit inside the second ring!

-You hit inside the first ring!

-You hit the Bullseye!

We hit the designated area even with pretty strong wind.

-Create a sketch of one possible solution. Include labels.

-Generate a list of materials required for build day.

Some designs/strategies our class did well on was using balloons. Some groups put little barriers on their eggs so their egg would be protected. Terry and I decided to put our egg in a balloon that was inside another balloon to absorb the impact better. We would probably put more protection around our egg if we had to redesign it because our egg broke unfortunately.

Monday, March 14, 2011


1) The TED organization is about spreading ideas.

2) The purpose of the website is to bring people from the 3 worlds together. The functionality of the website supports that because it shows ideas from all 3 of the worlds.

3) I think we would pick technology, entertainment, and design because as engineers, those would seem the most interesting to us.

4) One video that I would pick would be How I taught rate to sniff out land mines because as a problem solver, he solves how to detect land mines without the use of technology which is very interesting. I would also pick How I built a toaster from scratch because as a problem solver, if you needed a toaster, you could just make one. I would also choose the Rise of Personal Robots because as an engineer, creating the robot could help a lot of old people if you were trying to come up with something to help them with.


6) I could get involved with this by studying animals and animals' behaviors in college.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Reverse Engineering: Functional Analysis

1)The purpose of these headphones is to block out sound and listen to music with good quality.

2)It operates because it amplifies sound and you do not have to use a speaker.

4) The wire coming up from the ipod is visible. Also, you can me mechanical components inside the headphones.

5) You can not identify how the sound gets to the headphones from the ipod.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Reverse Engineering

Visual Analysis

For the headphones, there is color because its black and red, balance because if you cut it in half its still reatins lines of symmetry, and form because it looks sleeck and nice.

Functional Analysis

The purpost of the product is to listen to music and block out other sounds. It has two earphones that cover ur entire ear so you can not hear anything else except the music.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Graphic Design

Chevey Camero 2011

This advertisement came from a brochure sent by Chevy to existing Camero owners
it is marketing the new Chevy Camero

me and my partner discussed the following

message content: short and direct got to the point quick

size and shape: it was short and in bullets to keep the reader entertained

readability: easy keeps the audience entertained

needs audience: the audience would be to all people that can drive cars and love Chevy

use of design elements and principles: forum,emphasis,color,balance and texture

What are trends? Why is it important to identify them prior to graphic design?

Trends are patterns it is important to identify them to know when to release your products

2. How does human nature play a role in how a product is marketed to a specific demographic group?

Human nature is you want every thing now this plays a role in marketing because all you need to say is this is the next big thing

3. How is a potential audience identified?

Through study groups

4. What must you discover about the target audience prior to graphic design

To figure out how to appeal to that group

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Revolution Will Be Televised

I think that facebook and cameras helped them us witness the regime. They both helped them communicate with the outside world.

Facebook was used in the support of the protest because people wanted to connect with people around the world.

Cameras were used in the protest to show people what was going on there and to let other people know what happened.

Tin Pot- used as a shield for portection against police.
Shoes- used for running away from police.
Spray paint- Used to blind police.
Flower- used to express a peaceful protest.
Goggles- used for portecting your eyes against tear gas.
Scarf- used against tear gas to protect eyes and mouth and nose.
Jacket- used to stay warm

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Visual Design

What are the 6 Visual Design Elements we discussed in class?
  • line
  • color
  • form/shape
  • value
  • texture
  • Space

What are trhe 5 Visual Design Principles we discussed in class?

  • Unity
  • Proportion/Scale
  • balance
  • emphasis

  • rhythym

This lined paper shows the aspect of lines.

These surfboards represent emphasis and color.

This one hundred dollar bill represents value.

This empty road represents space.

This sand represents texture because its rough.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Desk Organizer

For this project, we designed a desk organizer. Some constraints that we had with the desk organizer was that we had to not let it attach to the desk, it could not exceed a 6" depth, 12" width, and a 10" height. It must include a recessed area, and a bent plastic part with a 3/4" thick base. The last constraints was that it had to have hold six items and it had to have five different perts to it. We chose to do the desk organizer because it seemed like the most fun one to do and it seemed to be the most interesting to us. For the first step, we defined the problem, which I stated earlier. Next, we brainstormed some ideas and came up with the best one that we could think of. For the fourth step, we used the constraints to help shape our desk organizer so that we knew what not to do.

For this desk organizer, which is called Captain Desk Organizer, it is the best one that we have. It maintains all of the requirements needed and is the best organized.

The above desk organizer, the rectangular desk organizer, does not have 5 different parts or a recessed area. It does maintain the needed size and it does not attach to the desk.

The above desk organizer, the square desk organizer, does not hold a minimum of 5 different parts and its base of more than 3/4" thick. It does meet all of the other standards though.

For the matrix, desk #1 was the best desk organizer that we had. It held up all of the requirements needed and it got a perfect score of 30/30. For the desk #2, it did not turn out as well as we wanted it to because all of the requirements weren't met. It only got a 14/30. Desk #3 was a little better than 2 because it mostly met the requirements except for a couple. It got a score of 21/30.

This is our quality brochure for the desk organizer.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Carnival Splendor

A cruise ship was sailing around in Mexico and the ship endured a fire in the aft engine room that disabled its six diesel electric engines. I am not exactly sure how they are repairing the ship, but I know that they are receiving shipments of bagged fertilizer, wind energy equipment and other things that they need for the ship. The impact had a pretty big effect on the local economy for many reasons. I think the greatest one would be travel because some people are flying here to go on a cruise and since the cruise ship is cancelling so many trips, that is going to cost people a lot of money. Plus, a lot of money is going to be spent on the ship which maybe will cause a lot of taxpayers some more money.

Content is King

One thing that I have a great passion for would be baseball. I have been playing it ever since i was 4, and I have loved it ever since. Pitcher Curt Schilling really helps inform people about how his career in the MLB has shaped him in the outside world and he also gives a lot of good tips about baseball. I think that I would be great about blogging about baseball because I know a lot about the game.

Tennis Ball Game

Our challenge for the tennis ball game was that everyone had to touch the ball as fast as possible. Our team came up with putting everyones hands in the middle and one person touched everyones hands while they were holding the ball. Our plan worked out really well because our team finished the challenge first. I would do the exact same thing unless there were different constraints that we had to go by. What I would do different would be coming up with even faster ways to have the ball touch everyones hand.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lost at Sea

In class we pretended like we were stuck in the middle of the Pacific Sea and we had to rank 15 items in order of what we thought was the most important, 1 being the most important. Then we compared it to what the coast guards said and saw how many we got right.

I thought that the #1 choice for being stuck out there would be water because you can not even think about being rescued if you do not have any water with you. My #2 pick was a small transistor radio because I thought that if you had one of those you could hear the coordinates to where they were searching and you could try to paddle in the direction that they said. I had trouble choosing where the oil would go because it really depends if you are trying to get rescued or trying to stay alive.

Our group chose the route of trying to be rescued more than trying to stay alive. We all agreed on water being the primary source that we would need. The group had oil ranked different me.

My choices differed a lot from the coasts guards. There were big surprises because they had a shaving mirror ranked first because they said its most important for trying to get someones attention when you are trying to get rescued. I never thought that it would of been the most important. I would put more weight in experimental data because it's actually proof, not an opinion.